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Your Name(Kimi no na wa)
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Your Name(Kimi no na wa)

Your Name(Kimi no na wa) is a very popular Japanese animated film, directed by Makoto Shinkai, that tells the story of a hero and heroine that unfolds between Tokyo and the countryside. The film won the Best Animated Feature Film Award at the 41st Japan Academy Film Awards. The story tells the story of the protagonist Miyanaga Kazuma, a high school student from the countryside, and the protagonist Tachibana Taki is a high school girl from Tokyo. The two meet in a dream and begin a magical experience of dreaming of each other. They realize that they are swapping bodies in a dream and begin to try to understand each other's lives. In the process, they develop feelings for each other, but their dreams keep shortening. They must try to find each other in the real world and decide to meet forever. The film was loved by a wide audience for its beautiful images and touching story.

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